What positive habits can I develop today to move closer to my goal?


Unleashing Motivation: The Fuel You Need To Wake Up Everynight and Go Achieve Your Dream
If it is something one does purposely, then perhaps that is motivation. Waking up early in the morning to jog, putting up with a troublesome workday, or seeing through with that project that has been running for years: All of that are products of motivation, to push ourselves towards our goals and overcome all odds. But what is motivation, and in what way may it be cultivated to attain an objective?

A Good Understanding of Motivation

Motivation can simply be described as the inner or outer stimuli that inspire oneself to undertake any physical or mental effort. That is what sets everything in motion and keeps it going. Psychologists generally view motivation as either intrinsic or extrinsic.

Intrinsic Motivation: It is what comes from within. Some internal force impels someone from inside and pushes him on to do something because it is worth doing, it is enjoyable, or it has meaning. For example, a person who enjoys writing will write for the sake of expressing thoughts.

Extrinsic Motivation: The motivation here is to get an external reward or avoid punishment. A person can work hard just to get a promotion and earn praise from others.

Both forms of motivation are equally important in life, but learning the art of handling intrinsic motives while using extrinsic factors to support one in realizing the latter is what brings lasting joy.

What Are Some Motivational Techniques?

Remain Motivated: Practical Suggestions

Set Clear and Achievable Goals

The most effective way to stay motivated is to set very clear and achievable goals. Make use of the SMART technique to set your goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound. Accordingly, with your goals sufficiently detailed, you would not ground yourself towards a wall.
For example: Rather than saying, “I want to be fit,” you could say, “I want to run 3 miles within 3 months.”

Decomposing a task into smaller functions.

Divide and conquer.
However, keep in mind that big tasks can cause an overwhelming feeling of dread, making individuals procrastinate. Break it down into smaller bits and pieces, relatively easier to comprehend and accomplish, one after another, bit by bit.
Example: If you’re to write a book, commit to only writing 500 words a day rather than worrying about completing the entire manuscript.

Focus on the ‘Why’

Knowing why you want to achieve a goal is a powerful motivator, propelling you through challenges. When you find a strong connection with that purpose, it is easier to work through the challenges. Make time for reflection on deeper reasons for wanting each goal.
Example: If you’re seeking a career change, remind yourself that you’re working toward personal growth, better opportunities, or financial freedom.

Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool in your motivational arsenal. The clearer you picture the end result, the more you will stay excited about your continued progress. Visualize how it will feel when you achieve your goal and how life will be different.
Example: Picture yourself having run a marathon and celebrating with friends or receiving an offer for your dream job.

Create a Routine

Give yourself 30 minutes every morning just to work on your business idea before the distractions of the day kick in.

Track your progress

Keeping a track of your progress aids motivation and lets you realize how far you have come. So take time to celebrate the small achievements along the way. Do not wait until you have completed the goal to reward yourself.
Example: Use a journal, an app, or even a vision board to track your milestones and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.

Fighting Motivation Blockers

Even the highest of motivational levels are bound to run out of major roadblocks. When you hit the point of no return on motivation, it’s time to get creative again to bring back that spark.

An affirmative disposition can partially improve the current low motivation level. Rather than focus on setbacks, celebrate the points you have crossed to reach this level. Use positive affirmations to change your attitude from “I can’t do this” to “I can do this.”

Embrace Failure

It is the way of things: Failure is part of life. Every successful person has encountered failure, but the greatest among them exercise enough inner strength to get up and go once again. Instead of seeing failure as an obstacle in life, take it for a lesson learned.
Get Inspired
Sometimes, you might just need a little external inspiration to boost your internal motivation. Surround yourself with motivating books, podcasts, or people who will encourage you and provide different perspectives.

Set New Challenges

When you feel yourself stagnating, it is time to set some new challenges. Challenge yourself to conquer your inhibitions and get out of your comfort zone. Testing yourself to accomplish bigger and better things can revitalize your interest.

Consistency Should Override Motivation.
While motivation is of paramount importance, consistency is oftentimes the mindset that ensures success in the long run.

While motivation may descend into the darkness, your persistence and ability to continue to show up is what produces accomplishment.

Think of motivation as the spark that ignites the flames of achievement, while consistency is the solid fuel that keeps it burning away.

On days when motivation seems low, simply take some small, reasonable steps that will allow the momentum to keep flowing.


Motivation is a Journey
In its own sense, motivation is more or less a course involving not a specific event but a long-run affair. Motivation comes from finding that inspiration, nurturing those good habits, and then continuing the desperate race against potential challenges, even after the initial excitement is gone. With goal-setting, discipline, and a positive attitude, you alone can tap into the natural maximum you are capable of achieving and accomplish what you wish out of yourself!

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